Anti Spy Devices

I was searching for a sonic dog repeller on the web for my upcoming trip and came across one site that sold not only what i was looking for but other interesting weapons like stun guns, spy cameras, listening device and other spy devices as well. I found it a pity they do not have anti spy devices though they might decide to stock some if they know how much in demand these are nowadays....

A few days ago, i read an article that our neighbours were running short of anti spy devices 'cos after the big scandal of a high profile guy gettiing caught in action on DVD in RA scenes with a lady that's not his wife, the other rich and powerful or high profiled of the society had rushed to snap up as many anti spy devices as were available in the market, in a move to protect themselves from falling victims to similar spy activities.

Well, it looks like not only the rich, powerful or high profiled need the anti spy devices, we in the dungeon might need it too. One of my dungeon mates and i were called up separately today for a 'pep' talk or what is officially termed 'counselling' regarding two different complaints brought about by spies cum informants amongst our midst. Though it's not news that we are being monitored or watched, what irks me were not the complaints but rather the shady manners the informants did it, one hiding in the shadows, the other trying to malign someone else as the guilty one. Looks like we have to be always watching our backs or maybe we ought to look for anti spy devices that sound off alarms or better still, create a blockage whenever they detect people spying on or back stabbing us. :)

Ah Q will say: It's because we are good and cause envy, others target us.
Jesus says : Forgive them.
i say : Doraemon, give me that anti spy device, please ?
Ghandi says: An eye for any eye makes the whole world blind.
loveyunnan says: Enough of negative blogs, it's a New Year!! Remember The Lord had said "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old" 今日事、今日毕。随风而逝吧! Let GOD and Let Go!

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