i'm gonna miss them all....

i fell in love with it when i first visited China more than a decade ago. Freshly prepared each day, served in a glass bottle, available from the ubiquitous pushcartts that sold beverages around the country.You finish it in one gulp or maybe two and then return the bottle to the hawker on the spot. It's got a rich milk taste, a little sweet and just rightly sour and cost only 1 yuan (20cts) per bottle then.

As the years passed, the cost increased to 2 yuan which was still very cheap. i would without fail gulp down a bottle whenever i spot it on sale each time i visited China. In the recent years after the massive economic expansion in China, the glass bottle was phased out by plastic cups when the big guys took over the business of manufacturing it and so i have to make do with the not so freshly prepared product.

Still, i would make it a point to take a cup each day to aid my digestive system whislt travelling there. I had trusted the the big brands like the Y and the M brands and i was glad when i found their products on sale back here too.

So, when the news broke out that these two brands too are part of those contaminated with melamine, i was really sad.
Sad that i would be missing my daily yoghurt and milk intake during my coming trip to China,
sad that this food scare has spread to all my other favourite brands of choc bars, biscuits, ice cream available here for so long...
sad that there is almost nothing one can trust to be safe for consumption anymore,
sad that greed or is it the unequal distribution of wealth or corruption or desperation has driven humans to harm other humans including babies in such ways.

This world,as XK says is moving towards self destruction by its own doing

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