It can live up to the age of 70years but to do so, the eagle has to make a tough decision.

In its 40's, its long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey for food
Its long and sharp beak becomes bent
Its aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its chest and inhibit its flight.
Then, the eagle has a choice: DIE or go through a painful process of CHANGE which lasts 150days

there...it knocks its beak against a rock until its beak is knocked out;
after that,
it will wait for a new beak to grow.
Thereafter, it will pluck out its talons......
After 5 months, finally, the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth
is geared to soar for another 30years!

Many times, in order to survive , like the eagle
we have to start a change process
We sometimes need
to get rid of old memories,
habits and other past traditions

Only freed from past burdens,
can we take advantage of the present, and live life to its fullest.
My personal comments : it's a truly inspirational piece and i truly respect the eagle for its wisdom, its majestic stature and its ability to go through the painful process before rebirth if the account above is true. 40 years is already a good deal of time if it was meaningfully spent. Life has to be truly worth living for me to be willing to go through such painful changes, and at the moment i don't think it's worth it yet .
Updated 6th Oct 2008:
Thanks to Anonymous 1 's comment, i read from the 'snopes' site that the eagle rebirth story is indeed only a myth. (Still my admiration for the king of birds is no less). It goes to show how some people would paint a beautiful picture of life and spur themselves on with inspired myths to go through times where truths are dark and painful.
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