"what else is missing?"
"the warranty cards for ALL my appliances in the house"
" aiyah,those are documents...."
" yes, but they are very important to me, without which i won't have any warranty for ALL my appliances"
"ok, ok, Sergeant P, take note"
"so, you are not taking down the model and serial number of the tv? IF they attempt to sell it, you might be able to trace it cos the serial number is unique"
"er...ok...Sergeant P, take it down."
"so , you are not interested in taking any finger prints?"
" it's NOT that we are not interested, but there're no leads"
" what about the padlock? Surely there are fingerprints? "
" yeah, but it would have already been tampered with, so many people had touched it, including yourself, the contractor, the thieves...and anybody..."
" what about the cabinet door, they took the stuff from inside too"
"But yourself and the contractor also opened it after that"
" what about the wall? Look, the brackets that were there were dismantled and removed, surely they would have left fingerprints? and the cables...myself and the contractor did not touch those..."
" no use lah, the wall surface too rough cannot dust for prints, the cables...not likely lah"
"what about the cigarette ashes at the door step, they are new, can u get a lead from there? or the locksmiths...they are all registered aren't they? is it possible to find out if any one of them had been asked to open this lock the last two days?"
" er...madam...i don't think so...look, we will treat your case as serious as all others, rest assured we will try to find out who are the culprits...."
"so can you tell me what are you going to do?"
" sorry, we can't but there is a trend of burglary at flats in new estates, you shouldn't leave valuables in the flat if you are not moving in yet.......maybe you can check with your credit card company if they have insurance coverage on the items purchased using their cards? at least you might recover some of the losses since you do not have other insurance coverage?..."
And with that, our dear officers left, without asking questions from the contractors or workers who are working on other flats on my floor, without being very interested in fingerprints, nor look closely for possible clues left behind by the burglars who had stolen my $2K LCD TV which had barely been in my flat for more than 10days.
i would not say i have a lot of confidence that the culprits will be caught after the statement taking. The statement was not written by me but interpreted by the officer from his own understanding of what i have related which wasn't absolutely accurate like when asked if i suspected anyone and i told him whom i did but with some reservations he ended up writing on the statement that i suspected no one. i was asked to sign it with some impatience from his part.
Then when i asked to have a copy, he said i can't and i'm baffled. Why can't i have a copy of MY statement signed by ME ??? They did not seem very interested in the case too, probably because there're so many such "kucing kurak" cases everyday....but its the first time in Singapore i got burgled and the amount lost is big enough to me to break my heart. What made me madder is that the audacious thieves actually turned on my air conditioner during the break in and left it on till we discovered the theft!!!
OH!! How i would like to punch their noses when they get caught!!
蜗牛为何背着它重重的家四处流浪? 只因盗贼猖狂,官兵懒散,只好时时把家带着以防失窃。。