He said: "Don't play this kind of games with me!"
i was hit with the ever torturing menstrual cramps and knew i wouldn't be able to make it for work in the afternoon. i called up a colleague to check if there's any flying activites in the afternoon so that i would know if i could apply for casual leave without having to crawl out of the house to see a doctor for MC. However, i was told by my colleague that i would have to cover another MC case even though there is no flying activity in the afternoon. I knew there were 3 other fellow colleagues like me, who could have been rostered to cover the MC and decided to call up the manager to check if he can get one of the others to cover the MC and let me go on leave. Meanwhile, in case my leave request was not approved, i made my way painfully to the clinic only to find it closed for lunch. When i got through the manager, i told him i was aware that i hv to cover an MC case but that i was also feeling unwell myself. I requested for casual leave approval and asked if he could get the other remaining controllers to cover the MC case. In that way, i would not hv to get out of the house again later to see a docotr as all i needed was to lie down and rest. He was not agreeable and said i have to cover the MC. i reiterated i'm not feeling well, pleaded that as the clinic was closed for lunch, I would hv to get out of the house again to see a doctor to get MC if he cannot approve my casual leave.
He had the cheek to actually tell me that i cannot be playing that sort of games with him. He asked why i only informed him that i will be seeing a doctor after i knew i hv to cover the MC. Shit him !!! i wonder if he has any brains and a heart?
i was hit with the ever torturing menstrual cramps and knew i wouldn't be able to make it for work in the afternoon. i called up a colleague to check if there's any flying activites in the afternoon so that i would know if i could apply for casual leave without having to crawl out of the house to see a doctor for MC. However, i was told by my colleague that i would have to cover another MC case even though there is no flying activity in the afternoon. I knew there were 3 other fellow colleagues like me, who could have been rostered to cover the MC and decided to call up the manager to check if he can get one of the others to cover the MC and let me go on leave. Meanwhile, in case my leave request was not approved, i made my way painfully to the clinic only to find it closed for lunch. When i got through the manager, i told him i was aware that i hv to cover an MC case but that i was also feeling unwell myself. I requested for casual leave approval and asked if he could get the other remaining controllers to cover the MC case. In that way, i would not hv to get out of the house again later to see a docotr as all i needed was to lie down and rest. He was not agreeable and said i have to cover the MC. i reiterated i'm not feeling well, pleaded that as the clinic was closed for lunch, I would hv to get out of the house again to see a doctor to get MC if he cannot approve my casual leave.
He had the cheek to actually tell me that i cannot be playing that sort of games with him. He asked why i only informed him that i will be seeing a doctor after i knew i hv to cover the MC. Shit him !!! i wonder if he has any brains and a heart?
Naturally if i hv a choice between taking leave than having to drag my body out of the house again to wait for a consultation with a doctor to get MC, i would rather have taken the first option which would have not been a problem if there was no MC case to cover. Since he insisted i have to cover the MC, i would then hv no choice but to tell him i too, hv to go on MC myself !! I finally had to tell him i was having bad menstrual cramps and definitely can't make it for work.
No apologies from him for that inconsiderate, callous and inhumane accusation, no explanation as to why the remaining 3 colleagues of mine could not hv cover the MC in my place, instead a demand to report back as soon as i've visited the doctor to confirm the MC. To add to my frustration, i found out later, that 2 of my other colleagues who could hv been rostered to cover the MC have been given leave prior to my calling though to my understanding it should not have been the procedure as we were previously told to only call after 1pm to check for leave approval whenever there were flying activities in the morning. Found out too he went about telling other managers abt me 'playing games'

what can i say : a blood sucking organisation managed by such bloody inhumane leeches and maggots...#$%^*~!
No apologies from him for that inconsiderate, callous and inhumane accusation, no explanation as to why the remaining 3 colleagues of mine could not hv cover the MC in my place, instead a demand to report back as soon as i've visited the doctor to confirm the MC. To add to my frustration, i found out later, that 2 of my other colleagues who could hv been rostered to cover the MC have been given leave prior to my calling though to my understanding it should not have been the procedure as we were previously told to only call after 1pm to check for leave approval whenever there were flying activities in the morning. Found out too he went about telling other managers abt me 'playing games'
what can i say : a blood sucking organisation managed by such bloody inhumane leeches and maggots...#$%^*~!
hohohoho...never figured u for a blogger..
i used to during university days but life got so mundane i decided to spare my friends.
wat can i say...there r the gd manangers but they r few..and as for the rest....sigh..wich is y i can understand the frustration..met ABK this morning and she told me the only reason y she picked up the call this morning to be redeployed is so tat she wldn't be targeted next week.
So sad that professionals like us have to resort to such methods to escape the antics of the bosses...when u next come up tower, u shld read the amazing text that our POPE has declared..simply stupidifying.
DAMN..i shld have studied harder and played less rugby..
WOW! cool to hv yr own blog... but i wld say, forget the blog, go punch him!!! (juz kidding), i am impress by yr blog, it's so cooool!
Thanks for sharing this blog wiv me. :)
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