hi BLOG,
i have not been here for a while and just discovered that in my absence, some changes have been made to Blogger's creation of posts, but thank goodness, it's still user friendly.
i'm now at the last hours of 2011. Another year has trudged by, another year of sadness and disasters.
In a few hours, we move onto 2012 -the year some have said to be the Armageddon, with intensification of the disasters that have been hitting the Earth in the past, culminating to the so called 'end of the world'; yet some said it's not gonna be the end of the world but rather there will be a positive renewal and transformation of the Earth--sounds better, but as it is now, things look bleak, all over the world.
So, what's coming?
Can i get a renewal too of my life or am i to continue my doom and gloom in the dungeon of hell ?
If the world should end this coming year, what are the things you would most wish to do without leaving it with regrets?
............... .............. ..............
............... .............. .............
Just do it.
My favourite festival
小时后期待中秋是因为能和邻居们提着灯笼出去玩, 灯笼若不小心着火了, 还能玩蜡烛点灯, 前几天重看了香港2011的贺岁片-I Love HK 开心万岁,就有村民在村屋‘煲蜡’串灯笼的一幕, 好温馨, 好怀念。也怀念在大学宿舍里和舍友们坐在走廊的阶梯上吃月饼,赏月喝茶聊天的那一晚。。。。。。
站在窗口望了一阵,今晚因天空烟雾浓罩,我没看到圆月,望了望楼下, 也没有提灯笼的孩子。。唉! 这里一点中秋的气息都没有,现在的孩子真可怜。 幸好我客厅里还有让我垂涎三尺的月饼, 吃月饼去吧!
小时后期待中秋是因为能和邻居们提着灯笼出去玩, 灯笼若不小心着火了, 还能玩蜡烛点灯, 前几天重看了香港2011的贺岁片-I Love HK 开心万岁,就有村民在村屋‘煲蜡’串灯笼的一幕, 好温馨, 好怀念。也怀念在大学宿舍里和舍友们坐在走廊的阶梯上吃月饼,赏月喝茶聊天的那一晚。。。。。。
站在窗口望了一阵,今晚因天空烟雾浓罩,我没看到圆月,望了望楼下, 也没有提灯笼的孩子。。唉! 这里一点中秋的气息都没有,现在的孩子真可怜。 幸好我客厅里还有让我垂涎三尺的月饼, 吃月饼去吧!
Went for dolphin watch in the morning with HK Dolphin Watch Ltd at the waters surrounding Lantau Island,wonderful boat trip with educational info from a caucasian lady who spoke English and Jap.She related the plight of the pink dolphins with a poignant humour.We had excellent
views of flights in and out of Chep Lap Kok Airport as the boat set off from the Tung Chung pier to the activity area of the dolphins. i was blessed and grateful to be with a group of very cultured, well mannered tourists, mixture of caucasians, Hongkongers from overseas and japs.There were also abt 10 kids ranging from 4-10, all very well behaved and adorable, and based on observation,credit goes to their parents, japs, hong kongers alike who really taught them well and right, wished all parents are such.We did manage to sight a few of the dolphins but they didn't come very near, i suspect it was because of a group of very noisy chinese tourists on another bigger boat which kept trailing our boat, sad. Sadder still in my excitement, i accidentally turned on the MF button on my camera and so all my pics of the cute little creatures were all out of focus! A little consolation was the postcards of the pinkies which were given as souvinirs..We got back to town by 1320h. After delicious 清汤牛腩面and 腩汁萝卜@华姐清汤腩and 杨枝甘露@满记,i went back to my room to check on the toilet flush which stopped working this morning just before i left. Saw a note in the lift:”因七姐妹街水管爆裂,暂停咸水供应,敬请原谅” Somehow, i didn't get the meaning and thought it was 暂时减水供应,and started to panic cos it was sweltering hot and i needed a bath, needed to wash my hair and clothes as well.So i called the hostel reception and wanted a solution but they just said they'll send the helper/cleaner who did not turn up at all.I decided to ask the security guard at the lobby abt the burst pipe situation and when will water supply lresume, as expected he could not assure me the pipes will be repaired by tonight.And though i had thought it was a stupid question initially,i was glad i asked him if the ”减水供应” will mean i might shower half way and find the water supply cut off? He then said 咸水 (salted water))不会 影响 食水,and so 'blink blink',i realised that they use 咸水 for toilet flushes and 食水 for bath and tap ,so only the toilet water supply is cut, access to tap and bath water still available. Phew! So, i went ahead to shower, wash clothes and fill the flush with tap water. Going to meet alice now for a late dinner, tmr leaving for Harbin.And. ......i can just hear the toilet flushing likd a watetfall! Yes! 咸水 is back!
views of flights in and out of Chep Lap Kok Airport as the boat set off from the Tung Chung pier to the activity area of the dolphins. i was blessed and grateful to be with a group of very cultured, well mannered tourists, mixture of caucasians, Hongkongers from overseas and japs.There were also abt 10 kids ranging from 4-10, all very well behaved and adorable, and based on observation,credit goes to their parents, japs, hong kongers alike who really taught them well and right, wished all parents are such.We did manage to sight a few of the dolphins but they didn't come very near, i suspect it was because of a group of very noisy chinese tourists on another bigger boat which kept trailing our boat, sad. Sadder still in my excitement, i accidentally turned on the MF button on my camera and so all my pics of the cute little creatures were all out of focus! A little consolation was the postcards of the pinkies which were given as souvinirs..We got back to town by 1320h. After delicious 清汤牛腩面and 腩汁萝卜@华姐清汤腩and 杨枝甘露@满记,i went back to my room to check on the toilet flush which stopped working this morning just before i left. Saw a note in the lift:”因七姐妹街水管爆裂,暂停咸水供应,敬请原谅” Somehow, i didn't get the meaning and thought it was 暂时减水供应,and started to panic cos it was sweltering hot and i needed a bath, needed to wash my hair and clothes as well.So i called the hostel reception and wanted a solution but they just said they'll send the helper/cleaner who did not turn up at all.I decided to ask the security guard at the lobby abt the burst pipe situation and when will water supply lresume, as expected he could not assure me the pipes will be repaired by tonight.And though i had thought it was a stupid question initially,i was glad i asked him if the ”减水供应” will mean i might shower half way and find the water supply cut off? He then said 咸水 (salted water))不会 影响 食水,and so 'blink blink',i realised that they use 咸水 for toilet flushes and 食水 for bath and tap ,so only the toilet water supply is cut, access to tap and bath water still available. Phew! So, i went ahead to shower, wash clothes and fill the flush with tap water. Going to meet alice now for a late dinner, tmr leaving for Harbin.And. ......i can just hear the toilet flushing likd a watetfall! Yes! 咸水 is back!
Headache and Fever was left behind with Stress,phew! While departing from my homeland, i was greeted by foreign workers from the bus to the fast food outlet to the security check at departure gate, so much so i begin to think i'm the foreigner returning home instead of one leaving my homeland. The feeling got even more intense when i arrive in HK and meet more people who are of my race and speak similar language than i have encountered back home..LOve HK. The view from the aircraft when it was making the final descent was beautiful as it was a beautiful day--deep blue sea dotted with pieces of green islands that look like jade and nearer the airport,the waters turned emerald.A bird's eye view of HK on a clear blue day like this is really scenic. Made a mistake of taking the airport express to Yesinn, train at Hong Kong stn was supercrowded, should have paid HKD60 less to take the airport bus.Made a call from the hostel room to arrange for Dolphin Watch tmr morning, also called alice to arrange to meet tmr for dinner. Was going to make my way out to Wanchai when i discovered i could not open the metal gate of my room, called the reception which was a few blocks away and their instructions over the phone didn't help so i had to wait for help.The helper came with an ugly look and complained that she had already shown me how to open the gate when i checked in earlier and i realised she was right! i must be getting old n forgetful.Anyway, as a result of the delay. i bumped into alice at the mtr as she had just returned from an event,what a delightful surprise! We went on to wanchai to have v delicious handmade bamboo beaten wanton noodles (竹笙面)with tasty wantons and prawn roe in the soup base at the famous 永华面家.we also had the 陈皮红豆沙.Then we went to the HK convention center,the stingray lookalike building where there was a computer fair but i decided not to go into the fair after discovering there's a charge.We however had v good views of the harbour and the ICC building from the foyer. Next she brought me to Toy street,the Blue House and finally the wanchai computer center to wander on my own as she had to attend another event. The streets of HK r interestingblends of tradional old with modern fashionable and are full of flavours. As the midautumn festival is v much celebrated here, lanterns and mooncakes are already hot sale items. Found angry bird lanterns...:)
After 3 days of Panadol and even Arcoxia, the headache didn't go away, the fever comes and goes. Now...is it stress or did i get German Measles from my colleague? Departing tmr...what if rashes start to appear while i'm overseas....feeling terrible..
46 & HAppY BiRtHdAY!!
Happy BiRTHDaY to You!
Your birth had been eventful
Yet, despite all odds, you made it through
to grow at a rate that few had expected you to.
It isn't by fluke, you should know
you were susceptible to any blow
But your forefathers had put up a brilliant show
that in these gloomy days, a tiny little you can stand with a glow
May you continue to bear your fathers' vision and spirit
May your future remain promising and well-lit
May you also learn to be more gracious
Even as you strive to remain prosperous
May you stay resilient and peaceful
And may blessings continue to pour unto you
Once again,
HAPPy BirTHdaY to you!
HapPY birtHdAy, to YOU
HA --- ppY BirtH---Day to you!
Your birth had been eventful
Yet, despite all odds, you made it through
to grow at a rate that few had expected you to.
It isn't by fluke, you should know
you were susceptible to any blow
But your forefathers had put up a brilliant show
that in these gloomy days, a tiny little you can stand with a glow
May you continue to bear your fathers' vision and spirit
May your future remain promising and well-lit
May you also learn to be more gracious
Even as you strive to remain prosperous
May you stay resilient and peaceful
And may blessings continue to pour unto you
Once again,
HAPPy BirTHdaY to you!
HapPY birtHdAy, to YOU
HA --- ppY BirtH---Day to you!
今天没被召回去打战, 感恩, 不然我肯定很快成白发魔女,因为之前已打了两天激战,筋疲力尽了。
不过家里还是得搞定繁琐事。厨房的水龙头在关紧后还滴着水,滴滴滴滴滴了好几天,也不知浪费了多少水和水费。 家无壮丁, 却又不想大费奏章和银子找专人,便试着自己搞定。幸好现在网上资讯发达,找到了好几段相关的片子, 看似几分钟就能搞定的事, 难度也不高,便动手照指示做:
可是做足了整个过程所有的步骤后, 水还是滴个不停。
没办法,只好换掉整个水龙头装置, 这可费了我一个多小时-先冒着雨出外坐地铁到下一站找新的水龙头装置替换, 接下来的部分就是比较吃力的,要钻到水盆下的柜子里狭小的空间把旧装置拆掉,而又没有合适的工具, 只能将就一下使用有限资源,在有限阴暗的空间里很不顺手的摸索着,我觉得整个过程对一个左撇子的挑战性更是比一般人高。
终于, 拆掉旧的,装上新的, 虽然旧的也没使用超过 3 年 , 其实水盆也安得不好,但那个我还是可以闭一只眼的,当年的装修商真的超烂,不到三年,已经出现许多烦人的问题, 浪费了我不少精力和时间。
不过家里还是得搞定繁琐事。厨房的水龙头在关紧后还滴着水,滴滴滴滴滴了好几天,也不知浪费了多少水和水费。 家无壮丁, 却又不想大费奏章和银子找专人,便试着自己搞定。幸好现在网上资讯发达,找到了好几段相关的片子, 看似几分钟就能搞定的事, 难度也不高,便动手照指示做:
可是做足了整个过程所有的步骤后, 水还是滴个不停。
没办法,只好换掉整个水龙头装置, 这可费了我一个多小时-先冒着雨出外坐地铁到下一站找新的水龙头装置替换, 接下来的部分就是比较吃力的,要钻到水盆下的柜子里狭小的空间把旧装置拆掉,而又没有合适的工具, 只能将就一下使用有限资源,在有限阴暗的空间里很不顺手的摸索着,我觉得整个过程对一个左撇子的挑战性更是比一般人高。
终于, 拆掉旧的,装上新的, 虽然旧的也没使用超过 3 年 , 其实水盆也安得不好,但那个我还是可以闭一只眼的,当年的装修商真的超烂,不到三年,已经出现许多烦人的问题, 浪费了我不少精力和时间。
When HEART is enslaved
心 ,再次成奴,
呐喊着 救赎
找一找 曾经的自己
Can't wait
to catch the wind
to ride the skies
to catch up with a dear friend
amidst har- kows & siew mais
Can't wait
to smell the flowers
instead of staring at labels and numbers
Can't wait
to 'delete' sSTRREESS
& then hit
'Empty Trash'
Can't wait
to exchange the work pass
for a boarding pass
to be a POB
instead of ATC
if i had effected better coordination, if i had regulated the situation, he probably would not have been distracted, then it would not have happened. It was very close, and all of us who saw it were speechless, not daring to suggest anything at that instant; he must have have been stunned and stumped too. i know how it felt, i had a similar experience before.The closeness of the situation, the thought that if the warning had not come from a third party,the amount of lives that could have been lost, is traumatic enough, to me,a bystander, i can't imagine how he feels right now. Maybe, with his seniority and experience, he has more strength than me to handle it. i wanted to apologise to him, for loading him with too many distractions, thereby contributing to the shocking situation, but i've been advised not too, so, now i'm bearing an uneasy heart, filled with guilt.
Guilt, weighs heavily upon those who feel they are responsible for a bad situation, especially if resulting in a bad situation that could not be salvaged. In trying to ease my guilt, i reiterate the lyrics of Adam Cheng's 笑看风云 in my heart, i tell myself that i am but human, that i have not graduated from the University of Life,but merely taking lessons each day,that there are bound to be wrong decisions made, actions i'll feel guilty about or things i'll regret about that could not be salvaged. i have to learn from my inadequacies, my failures, my errors and hopefully not repeat them.
Right now,i seek solace in the lyrics of this song.
and also dedicating it to 老大,老邻居 and Encik陈 :
活得開心 心不記恨
Thumbs up to 我的勇士老大
"If I continue to wear my head down, I'll only see condemnation but if I look up,I'll see God, His forgiveness and love"
"I give myself and my situation to Him so that He can dress me in the armor of His strength and believe that He will turn crisis to treasure. I may not understand His plan but I am humbled by my circumstances and experience. All this experience will not be wasted .Some day I will be able to share it as my victory and may His glory shine brightly in the darkness of my sadness and misfortune."
My dearest friend, 我以为我是来为妳大气和鼓励的,但原来是妳鼓励了我。再次为妳的不屈不挠,坚定的信念竖起大拇指!
Just as you were given a lift at the most unexpected but essential moment yesternite, may you be lifted out of every difficulty and situation in time, may your pain ease with every moment past, may your dream be realised by next year!
"I give myself and my situation to Him so that He can dress me in the armor of His strength and believe that He will turn crisis to treasure. I may not understand His plan but I am humbled by my circumstances and experience. All this experience will not be wasted .Some day I will be able to share it as my victory and may His glory shine brightly in the darkness of my sadness and misfortune."
My dearest friend, 我以为我是来为妳大气和鼓励的,但原来是妳鼓励了我。再次为妳的不屈不挠,坚定的信念竖起大拇指!
Just as you were given a lift at the most unexpected but essential moment yesternite, may you be lifted out of every difficulty and situation in time, may your pain ease with every moment past, may your dream be realised by next year!
My Little Prince
Bought an ocarina (陶笛) from Jiufen (九份) in Taiwan. I was hypnotized by the beautiful ocarina music played in the shop and also by the very cute attractive designs. The ocarinas came in many different shapes and sizes and of course the price tags were different too. As i'm new to this instrument and knew myself not to be endowed with much musical gift, i decided to buy the cheapest one to try it out and the cheapest was also the smallest version. I chose the only piece which had the Little Prince painted on it. It came with a simple instruction book which also included a selection of songs and cost NT200 ~SGD8.70 at that time. Prices increased proportionately with sizes and the number of holes available on the ocarinas.
The smaller the ocarina, the higher pitch it tends to be and the harder it is to grasp it. i got really hooked onto this instrument since learning to play it but got a little disappointed with the limited number of songs i could play because of the number of holes that are available on my ocarina. i wish i had bought a bigger one with more holes and deeper and richer notes. Still, with my Little Prince right now, i hope one day, i'll be able to play as well as the boy in the following video :
and then, if i have sufficient perseverence , learn to play like the master below whose music i find so beautiful and therapeutic:
Hand crafted ocarinas:these are ceramic musical instruments |
My Little Prince Ocarina |
The smaller the ocarina, the higher pitch it tends to be and the harder it is to grasp it. i got really hooked onto this instrument since learning to play it but got a little disappointed with the limited number of songs i could play because of the number of holes that are available on my ocarina. i wish i had bought a bigger one with more holes and deeper and richer notes. Still, with my Little Prince right now, i hope one day, i'll be able to play as well as the boy in the following video :
and then, if i have sufficient perseverence , learn to play like the master below whose music i find so beautiful and therapeutic:
Yehliu Geopark 野柳地质公园
Yehliu is a 1700m long cape situated along the north eastern coast of Taiwan, about 15km north of Keelung Harbour, between Jinshan and Wanli.This scenic area is full of interesting limestone rock formations ,(in the shapes of mushrooms, gingers, candles, chessboard, etc) a result of many years of sea erosion, weathering and earth movements. Rich marine life is known to exist around the cape of Yehliu and the park is also visited for bird watching and fishing.
Opening hours : 0800-1700 daily.
Entrance fee (as at May 2011) -NT50
How to get there by public transport from Taipei?
1. From the Taipei Bus station (West Terminal A) , take the Guoguang (国光) express bus (bound for Jinshan Youth acitivty center 金山青年活动中心) and tell the driver to alert you when arriving Yehliu stop. Else , look out for the sign post (Yehliu Geopark 野柳地质公园 )on the right side of the road though it is quite easily missed especially if the bus is driving at high speed. Bus frequency : every 20mins
2. From Taipei railway station, take the local train to Keelung (基隆) railway station, exit the railway station, cross the road via the bridge to the bus stop opposite and ask for the bus stand where the express bus bound for Yehliu(野柳) or Jinshan(金山)is. Alight at Yehliu stop (as above). Bus frequency : every 10mins
3.From Danshui (淡水) MRT, take the express bus bound for Jinshan (金山). alight at Yehliu as above. Bus frequency : every 30mins.
For more info: http://www.ylgeopark.org.tw
After alighting at the Yehliu bus stop where the Yehliu Geopark(野柳地质公园) sign post is,walk into the lane located by the side of the sign post. You will pass by a row of seafood retaurants on one side and the following on the left side of the lane before arriving at the park entrance which is next to the Marine Park.
Yehliu Geopark 野柳地质公园 : (Click to see album/slideshow)
Keelung Harbour 基隆码头:
Opening hours : 0800-1700 daily.
Entrance fee (as at May 2011) -NT50
How to get there by public transport from Taipei?
1. From the Taipei Bus station (West Terminal A) , take the Guoguang (国光) express bus (bound for Jinshan Youth acitivty center 金山青年活动中心) and tell the driver to alert you when arriving Yehliu stop. Else , look out for the sign post (Yehliu Geopark 野柳地质公园 )on the right side of the road though it is quite easily missed especially if the bus is driving at high speed. Bus frequency : every 20mins
2. From Taipei railway station, take the local train to Keelung (基隆) railway station, exit the railway station, cross the road via the bridge to the bus stop opposite and ask for the bus stand where the express bus bound for Yehliu(野柳) or Jinshan(金山)is. Alight at Yehliu stop (as above). Bus frequency : every 10mins
3.From Danshui (淡水) MRT, take the express bus bound for Jinshan (金山). alight at Yehliu as above. Bus frequency : every 30mins.
For more info: http://www.ylgeopark.org.tw
After alighting at the Yehliu bus stop where the Yehliu Geopark(野柳地质公园) sign post is,walk into the lane located by the side of the sign post. You will pass by a row of seafood retaurants on one side and the following on the left side of the lane before arriving at the park entrance which is next to the Marine Park.
School next to the Geopark |
Yehliu Geopark 野柳地质公园 : (Click to see album/slideshow)
![]() |
Yeliu Geopark 野柳地质公园 |
Keelung Harbour 基隆码头:
天气太热,人不舒服时,想的东西是不是会很奇怪?突然想起高中时老师让我们看的一部片子-“Soylent Green", 最近感觉这个社会将越来越不能容纳老人家,不管你是不是曾经做出过贡献。或许我步入那个被年轻人看不顺眼的年代时,我们那年代的人将成为Soylent Green 的 ingredient!
魔蛋娃娃 magic baby egg
Bought this at Yangmingshan, quite happy to see it actually grew rapidly after a few days of watering!
阳明山上买的魔蛋娃娃, 看到它破壳茁壮成长感到很开心!小魔蛋加油!小红点加油!
阳明山上买的魔蛋娃娃, 看到它破壳茁壮成长感到很开心!小魔蛋加油!小红点加油!
Day 1 : just opened the package |
Day 1: 30mins after watering the base, the egg top opened by itself |
Day 1 still : 3hours after watering the base, the sand/soil bed protrudes |
Day 5: after 4 days of watering, signs of life emerge |
Day 6: Within a day, the greens rapidly grew by a few centimeters! Keep it up! |
Day 7 : WOW!!! |
杨Sir, 看了您的记者招待会,转了一下您的FB,在我眼里打框框的泪水忍不住滑下了。我们正需要更多像您这样的人,可是偏偏失去的是像您这样的人。不过,或许如今真有像您这样的人也不会愿意出征干吃力不讨好的事了。在一个全球物价高涨,房价也高涨(除了经济衰落或政治不稳定的国家之外)的情况下, 将会有更多人把怨气出在‘头’身上。。。而无论什么点子对策对被宠坏的人都是顺得哥来逆嫂意的。。就如我做生意的朋友抱怨说她在新马两地登广告都请不到新马两地的人替她打工,即使薪水不薄,但本地人嫌时间长不愿吃苦,所以只好请外劳却又因‘头’限制外劳对本地人的比例条例而抱怨, 另一方面,其他人不是抱怨难觅职就是本地外劳太多。。。什么样的对策能顺两边呢?
我也有一些已拥有了组屋却抱怨私人公寓房价高不可及的同事觉得要供楼供得那么辛苦也是‘头’的错。。(我想起了我在台北的朋友,工作了十几年,薪水还比我高,至今也买不起房子,她们那里能申请到公屋的人不多,其余的像她和她很多朋友都是在台北租房子的,而他们也不买车,因为在台北找停车位比拥有房子还难), 这似乎和香港也很相似。。
抱怨的人们啊认为/相信/觉得煽动民心的‘新’声音能够带来转变。。 他们口口声声喊说‘杨Sir,我们爱你’却为了这股‘新’声而‘抛弃’您。。。即使您付出了二十多年的心血, 即使您担任的角色对我们是多么重要,即使他们所抱怨的罪魁祸首应该是其他该负责任的人, 即使他们很清楚您将会变成羔羊,他们都觉得无所谓。。。。
所以。。。杨sir,也许这样的被遗弃是很伤痛的事,但或许塞翁失马,焉知非福?因为留下来的那些‘头头们’要面对的挑战会更艰巨: 既要使这个又小又无天然资源、有的是不愿吃苦只会抱怨的人们而又住着多元种族的小小地方继续的生存和成长,又得要摆平邻国虎视眈眈的攻略,还要应付反对批评声音的质问--真是非易事,月薪过万又如何? 。。。反对批评很容易而也照拿月薪过万,能否想出更好的方案和对策才不愧对老百姓啊!宰了只那么珍贵的羔羊与几只小羊换来六把‘新’/‘心’声,希望不是‘屠杨’无功。
Therefore, 杨sir, 我虽非常非常的难过,但我真心祝福您未来的日子过得幸福、充实、悠然自得。。放弃您的人已不值得您为他们 操心或服务了, 愿您得到上天最丰厚的庇佑,在别的领域大展宏图,也希望那些其实该被宰却继续留下的能以您的处事态度为榜样,杨Sir, 保重!希望后会有期!
我也有一些已拥有了组屋却抱怨私人公寓房价高不可及的同事觉得要供楼供得那么辛苦也是‘头’的错。。(我想起了我在台北的朋友,工作了十几年,薪水还比我高,至今也买不起房子,她们那里能申请到公屋的人不多,其余的像她和她很多朋友都是在台北租房子的,而他们也不买车,因为在台北找停车位比拥有房子还难), 这似乎和香港也很相似。。
抱怨的人们啊认为/相信/觉得煽动民心的‘新’声音能够带来转变。。 他们口口声声喊说‘杨Sir,我们爱你’却为了这股‘新’声而‘抛弃’您。。。即使您付出了二十多年的心血, 即使您担任的角色对我们是多么重要,即使他们所抱怨的罪魁祸首应该是其他该负责任的人, 即使他们很清楚您将会变成羔羊,他们都觉得无所谓。。。。
所以。。。杨sir,也许这样的被遗弃是很伤痛的事,但或许塞翁失马,焉知非福?因为留下来的那些‘头头们’要面对的挑战会更艰巨: 既要使这个又小又无天然资源、有的是不愿吃苦只会抱怨的人们而又住着多元种族的小小地方继续的生存和成长,又得要摆平邻国虎视眈眈的攻略,还要应付反对批评声音的质问--真是非易事,月薪过万又如何? 。。。反对批评很容易而也照拿月薪过万,能否想出更好的方案和对策才不愧对老百姓啊!宰了只那么珍贵的羔羊与几只小羊换来六把‘新’/‘心’声,希望不是‘屠杨’无功。
Therefore, 杨sir, 我虽非常非常的难过,但我真心祝福您未来的日子过得幸福、充实、悠然自得。。放弃您的人已不值得您为他们 操心或服务了, 愿您得到上天最丰厚的庇佑,在别的领域大展宏图,也希望那些其实该被宰却继续留下的能以您的处事态度为榜样,杨Sir, 保重!希望后会有期!
-one 28yr old first time voter friend told me, "i voted 'o...' for the fun of it...first time mah"
-another 30something posted on his fb :" look at it this way, even if the _A_ did an excellent excellent job with no failing , no errors, i will still not return all 87 seats to them." and got a lot of 'likes'
-one 28yr old first time voter friend told me, "i voted 'o...' for the fun of it...first time mah"
-another 30something posted on his fb :" look at it this way, even if the _A_ did an excellent excellent job with no failing , no errors, i will still not return all 87 seats to them." and got a lot of 'likes'
在平溪放了天灯,放天灯的感觉真很好。在天灯上诚心写上了祈愿,将燃料点着,看着天灯升上空中的霎那,好兴奋! 我的天灯刚升上去时碰到了屋檐, 周围的人和我都‘啊’了一声,以为天灯要掉下来了, 但它又从容不迫的往外拐让后迅速升上空中,仿佛我写上的祝愿都被带上去了, 心理抱着祈愿成真的希望。。。
舍不得。 真的很舍不得你。虽然今天我们从早上聊到傍晚你上机为止, 我们还是有很多说不完的话,就像当年在大学宿舍时每天聊到三更半夜那样。虽然我不是你最好的朋友, 但我一直很珍惜你这个远在他乡的朋友,每一次见到你我的心情就会开朗起来, 心也会温暖起来,你就是有这种窝心的本领, 虽然我不曾告诉过你。
很久没有跟你和老大这么地畅谈了。 这几天看到了许久不见的‘舍’友, 感叹的是我们怎么是在这种情况下才重聚呢?
如果说我当年学业成绩一塌糊涂、今日也无成就可言,但认识你们是我到目前为止最大的收获。 很荣幸认识你们, 在你们身上都有着值得我学习的好榜样:
M 与家人的相处和对社会公益与朋友的支持、
NF&KT 的酷与育儿之道
A 永远的窝心笑容和贴心
&..so much more......都是我望而不及的。
thanks for being you, thanks for being my friends.
很久没有跟你和老大这么地畅谈了。 这几天看到了许久不见的‘舍’友, 感叹的是我们怎么是在这种情况下才重聚呢?
如果说我当年学业成绩一塌糊涂、今日也无成就可言,但认识你们是我到目前为止最大的收获。 很荣幸认识你们, 在你们身上都有着值得我学习的好榜样:
M 与家人的相处和对社会公益与朋友的支持、
NF&KT 的酷与育儿之道
A 永远的窝心笑容和贴心
&..so much more......都是我望而不及的。
thanks for being you, thanks for being my friends.
to my ex-老板 cum 老友
听了妳好不容易说出来的心理话, 我发现原来我们对人生黑暗来临时的反应很相似:生气、沮丧、自我封闭、对人(包括亲人)失去信心和期望。 我庆幸的是妳很快也很清楚地看到了这些, 也自发考虑到要找专业心理治疗。妳受的打击与煎熬真的很大,若是我一定早崩溃了。 但妳一直是个坚毅的人, 真的祈愿妳早日平复心情, 每晚能安睡, 也能让自己放个假,不要把太多的东西扛在肩上。 妳要好好的。。真的。
驢子的故事 (网上转载)
最後,這位農夫決定放棄,他想這頭驢子年紀大了,不值得大費周折去把它救出來,不過無論如何,這口井還是得填起來。 於是農夫便請來左鄰右舍幫忙一起將井中的驢子埋了,以免除牠的痛苦。農夫的鄰居們人手一把鏟子,開始將泥土鏟進枯井中......
驢子的故事 (网上转载)
最後,這位農夫決定放棄,他想這頭驢子年紀大了,不值得大費周折去把它救出來,不過無論如何,這口井還是得填起來。 於是農夫便請來左鄰右舍幫忙一起將井中的驢子埋了,以免除牠的痛苦。農夫的鄰居們人手一把鏟子,開始將泥土鏟進枯井中......
小时候家门前一小片空草地,马来同胞会在那儿办婚宴,华族同胞会在那儿办丧事和农历七月的于兰盆节, 在同一片小空地上有时候是喜事丧事轮流办着。 因为场地就在我家门前,我在某天打开门可能看到的是笑得甜蜜打扮隆重的新人,听到的是欢腾喜庆的鼓声, 隔几天后也可能看到的是哭得红肿的一双双眼睛, 听到的是让人心碎的嚎哭或诵经声。所以,在很小的时候我就思考着结合与离别, 生与死的矛盾。
老实说,有好几个亲友或他们的家人, 走的时候年纪都不大,走的时候也没机会留下什么话,留给家人亲友许多遗憾和悲伤, 而我奔完这几个丧的心情也很沉重, 也会连想很多事。。。
我希望我走的时候没有任何人难过, 没有任何人遗憾,更没有人生气 包括我自己。
前阵子看了电影‘非常勿扰2’, 很有意思, 开场就是对男女很隆重的的婚礼- (离婚典礼), 后段竟是这男子的丧礼 or,as it is called in the movie----人生告别会。
我很喜欢‘人生告别会’那一段:男子知道自己患了绝症后,用剩下的日子尽力做了想做的事,处理了该处理的事,交待了该交待的事。 然后让好友为他举办一个‘活人的丧礼’-----男子的人生告别会。
告别会当天, 到场的亲友其实都以为是凭吊死了的男子, 知道男子还没死却时日无多后, 大家亦哭亦笑地听着男子的好友的致词。 好友就像在一般凭吊会上分享与缅怀着男子人生中走过的点点滴滴,以轻松陶侃却感人的方法表达了他们的情谊,接着 男子也亲自将心里想说的话都说了,和我们每个人一样,男子也曾给过亲友快乐、担心与麻烦, 也结过怨也结下缘, 也犯了些无法改变的遗憾事,在他最后的告别话里,他把想道的歉道了, 想谢的人也谢了。
之后,大家一起开香槟为男子‘庆祝’他走过的人生,跟着亲友一个个轮流走到男子面前对男子说了心理头的告别话, 最后,男子坚强的小女儿给父亲念了一首感性的诗。
这场告别会让男子与爱他的人和他所爱的人在他临终前都能够画上圆满的句号。我真很喜欢这段, 我觉得丧礼就应该如此,留下的只有回忆而不是悲痛或自责或连串的问号。 当然能预知自己大约所剩多少日子 , 而且还有时间和机会去完成心愿和举办自己的丧礼确是一种福, 也不是每个人都能有的。对于那些没机会好好与所爱的人告别的,以下在片子中小女儿为男子所念的诗或许有所安慰?
你见 或者不见我
我 就在那里
不悲 不喜
你念 或者不念我
情 就在那里
不来 不去
你爱 或者不爱我
爱 就在那里
不增 不减
你跟 或者不跟我
我的手 就在你手里
不舍 不弃
来 我的怀里
或者 让我住进你的心理
默然 相爱
寂静 欢喜
可是我最喜欢的还是片尾的那首歌词, 那首歌叫“最好不相见”, 歌词改编自六世达赖喇嘛仓央嘉措的十戒诗。 为什么喜欢,因为歌词的境界是‘心无牵挂便无痛无伤’。 六世达赖喇嘛是历代喇嘛中被称为情圣的多情男子, 他在二十几岁就逝世了,但生前常因为多情而为情所困, 甚至为情而放下袈裟,不想当达赖。 他写下这首诗时,想必是因身经百伤后深深体会情伤才有感而发吧?
但曾相见便相知, 相见何如不见时
安得与君决绝, 免教生死相思
老实说,有好几个亲友或他们的家人, 走的时候年纪都不大,走的时候也没机会留下什么话,留给家人亲友许多遗憾和悲伤, 而我奔完这几个丧的心情也很沉重, 也会连想很多事。。。
我希望我走的时候没有任何人难过, 没有任何人遗憾,更没有人生气 包括我自己。
前阵子看了电影‘非常勿扰2’, 很有意思, 开场就是对男女很隆重的的婚礼- (离婚典礼), 后段竟是这男子的丧礼 or,as it is called in the movie----人生告别会。
我很喜欢‘人生告别会’那一段:男子知道自己患了绝症后,用剩下的日子尽力做了想做的事,处理了该处理的事,交待了该交待的事。 然后让好友为他举办一个‘活人的丧礼’-----男子的人生告别会。
告别会当天, 到场的亲友其实都以为是凭吊死了的男子, 知道男子还没死却时日无多后, 大家亦哭亦笑地听着男子的好友的致词。 好友就像在一般凭吊会上分享与缅怀着男子人生中走过的点点滴滴,以轻松陶侃却感人的方法表达了他们的情谊,接着 男子也亲自将心里想说的话都说了,和我们每个人一样,男子也曾给过亲友快乐、担心与麻烦, 也结过怨也结下缘, 也犯了些无法改变的遗憾事,在他最后的告别话里,他把想道的歉道了, 想谢的人也谢了。
之后,大家一起开香槟为男子‘庆祝’他走过的人生,跟着亲友一个个轮流走到男子面前对男子说了心理头的告别话, 最后,男子坚强的小女儿给父亲念了一首感性的诗。
这场告别会让男子与爱他的人和他所爱的人在他临终前都能够画上圆满的句号。我真很喜欢这段, 我觉得丧礼就应该如此,留下的只有回忆而不是悲痛或自责或连串的问号。 当然能预知自己大约所剩多少日子 , 而且还有时间和机会去完成心愿和举办自己的丧礼确是一种福, 也不是每个人都能有的。对于那些没机会好好与所爱的人告别的,以下在片子中小女儿为男子所念的诗或许有所安慰?
你见 或者不见我
我 就在那里
不悲 不喜
你念 或者不念我
情 就在那里
不来 不去
你爱 或者不爱我
爱 就在那里
不增 不减
你跟 或者不跟我
我的手 就在你手里
不舍 不弃
来 我的怀里
或者 让我住进你的心理
默然 相爱
寂静 欢喜
可是我最喜欢的还是片尾的那首歌词, 那首歌叫“最好不相见”, 歌词改编自六世达赖喇嘛仓央嘉措的十戒诗。 为什么喜欢,因为歌词的境界是‘心无牵挂便无痛无伤’。 六世达赖喇嘛是历代喇嘛中被称为情圣的多情男子, 他在二十几岁就逝世了,但生前常因为多情而为情所困, 甚至为情而放下袈裟,不想当达赖。 他写下这首诗时,想必是因身经百伤后深深体会情伤才有感而发吧?
但曾相见便相知, 相见何如不见时
安得与君决绝, 免教生死相思
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