Thank you Lord
and this day, i've been gently reminded to do so in my heart.
Thank you Lord for SPs that helped me to take some ad hoc leave to do the so many things i need to do.
Thank you Lord for keeping me away from that ubiquitous flu.
Thank you Lord for a new home in a beautiful setting, located most conveniently,
within minutes walk to the food court, supermart, ATMs, schools, shops, and MRT.
Thank you Lord the renovation is almost completed and problems were minimal.
Thank you Lord, i have a nice responisble contractor
who has a team of relatively ok co-workers
Thank you Lord, for old old friends (who still look very young lah)for sparing precious time and manpower to help..
Thank you Lord you'll grant me the wisdom to resolve the current dilemma.
Thank you Lord, for with you, all things are possible,
Thank you Lord, for you said to cast unto you all my cares and my burdens because you care...
Reno woes
The last time we had a change of address, i was only a JC student. I have absolutely no memory of being involved in the renovation of the flat that we were to move to then; the only thing i could recall was my great reluctance to leave the 2-room flat we've lived in for almost 17years to move into a flat in a yet-to-be developed new town. i don't seem to recall my parents having any problems with the reno either. All they did was to let the contractor who was touting below the new flats do the job and, i must say, he did a good job 'cos we had had no problems with the flat for the last two decades.
It's time to move again. This time round, however, i am the only one handling the whole process: from applying for the flat, to collecting the keys, to sourcing the contractor for renovation, to deciding on what and how i want the flat to be done up , to looking for all the items needed. It's really a great deal of stress and very time consuming when you are on one man operation.
Being ignorant about interior design, materials and their durability, suitability, quality and market prices, i have to do a lot of last minute research, shopping and listening to different opinions from contractors and salesmen who have their own agenda. It doesn't help that in my current home which was simply renovated, there're no curtains or blinds 'cos we don't need any, there ain't false ceiling or L-boxes or downlights, there are no air conditioners, no ceiling fans,no built-in wardrobes or built-in cookers......so my experience with all as such is really zero.
Just as with any normal purchases, there are choices available and we have to weigh the suitability, the aesthetics, the cost before we finally make the decision on which to buy. In this case, there are so many items i've to make decisions on i suspect many erroneous decisions were made hastily.
First, deciding on the contractor: i've spoken to and asked for quotations from about six and finally decided to let a kitchen specialist take care of the kitchen while another contractor take care of the rest. Thereafter, i've to choose :
-between L-box or false ceiling, the design and area to be covered
-the type and number of lights : cool white, day white, warm white or what else, and their positions
-the type and brand of air con:-inverter or non, the layout of the trunking, the thickness and brand of rubber insulation plus the diameter of the water pipes....
-the layout of the kitchen: positions of the cooker, the hood,the sink, the fridge,the cabinets and shelves taking into consideration the positions of the pipes, the electric sources,the beams and walls and the cramp size of the kitchen; the type of counter top: granite, acrylic, resin, postform..
-the width of the kitchen drawers and cabinets, the colour coordination
-between window panes or grills for the service yard and if window panes: what type and number of glass panes...
-the colours for each room which has to match some of the furniture i've already ordered and the theme i had in mind....
-brand of ceiling fans, with remote control or not, with lights or without
-the type of heaters: gas or electric, if electric, insant or tank and which brand...
-between curtains and blinds; if curtains: the type of materials: block out, dim out, day curtains, night curtains and the type of rail: powdered aluminium or wooden rod, clip, hook or Velcro....if blinds : venetian, bamboo,wood, roller or Roman;
and there are still a whole lot of things i've yet to settle, the furniture, the household appliances the shelves, bathroom accessories......
At the end of the day, after i've come up with a conceptual idea of what i want for each area, i have to compromise a great deal when the contractor/kitchen specialist advised against some of my ideas citing reasons of impracticability, high cost and non viability. So i have to make adjustments to my fanciful ideas and choose between costs and dreams. When the final decisions were made on the colours, the layout, the design, the type of items for each area, i was still , up to that point, quite pleased with the plans.
However, reality always differs from idealism. The resulting effect was not quite acceptable and i realised my inability to visualise had a great deal to do with it. This has impacted me quite badly as i draw parallel of this lack of visualisation with my vision of my life and future.
Some decisions in life are reversible and some are not. In the case of my house reno, all things are reversible or amendable but at a price which i'm yet willing to pay. So i've tried to convince myself to accept the things which were results of my error, and i'm even slowly beginning to think it's actually not too bad after all....
maybe, just maybe, like marriage, you might at some point of life think you've made the wrong choice, but it's a lifelong commitment and it's your decision, so changing your mindset to accept what you thought was an error might help you to find that the other half is not so bad after all.
i can't say that for my career though.
What's happening?
Yesterday, the $200 vouchers i had just received mysteriously disappeared from my backpack within an hour. Checked and rechecked, there ain't any holes in my backpack.
Yesternight, applied hair shampoo on my face instead of the facial cleanser, inexplicably. Checked and rechecked, still uncertain if there're holes in my skull.
This afternoon, my faithful Casio that had served me so well for the past decade without ever a problem with accuracy finally ticked its last tick, and it did not even give any warning that it was leaving me for good....
Tears are rolling in my eyes, what's happening, what's happening? maybe, just maybe, someone would pop out right now and give me a pat on my shoulder, saying : "Hey, look, you've been on [JUST FOR GAGS] this past half a year! "
The secret of her joy
She was once a subject of hot discussion on the internet after some young punks took a video clip of her strange singing and then posted it on the net and made fun of her. The young punks eventually apologised after a tirade from netizens who blasted their callousness. This was all reported in TNP.
And so, i recognised her instantly when i saw her. i vaguely remembered the article mentioning about her poor health, and the many problems that plagued her, yet she has maintained an undaunting cheerful spirit and a very forgiving heart, not at all angry with the punks for making fun of her. And as i took the packs of tissues from her, her genuine cheerful smile touched me and i wondered how could anyone in her state still be in such a cheerful mood?
i was still wondering about this when i finished my meal at the food centre and as i took one of the pack of tissues out to wipe my face, i noticed a note stuck to the bottom of the pack. On it was printed in both English and Mandarin :
i've heard so many sermons preaching that: we, as believers should in all circumstances, especially in trials and tribulations trust in the Lord, to know that no trouble is bigger than He who created the universe; that He who loves us so much as to die for our sins at the cross would not hesitate to provide and to deliver us from all evil; all we need to do is to trust and have faith in all His promises.....
For me, it's not quite so easy, like Elijah's servants, i tend to always see only the enemies but not the army of angels that were all the while there......
Like the willow that sways easily....
i'm a long way to having faith even the size of a mustard seed.
But i believe, the secret of the lady's joyful spirit is that like all the people mentioned in the hall of faith in Hebrews chapter 11, she has complete trust and faith in God's word and promises, which is the key to let His miracles manisfest in our lives.
The joy of the LORD is her strength
诗篇Psalms 33 : 18-19
But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on whose hope is in His unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine
again resurface to trouble us
at this most troublesome time,
affecting our plans.
Lord, am i on o.m.o?
are you not with me?
in your mercy,
kindly remove the root of the trouble,
or the trouble
or else, the troubled.
for i'm
knocked out,
shagged out,
worn out
by all the mini storms these past half a year.
i've never troubled trouble but why does trouble always trouble me?
这180 度的转变让我对她的心理状况产生了一点兴趣,我想知道我什么地方开罪她了呀?
My Tooth Sayang! Ouch ! Ouch! Ouch!
Why are you so garang!
What have you been cracking?
That sent your walls wrecking?
Causing pain that stretches from jaw to ear
Turning the joy of makan into torture
Sayang, be prepared for this blow:
Your root and nerve will have to go
A protective crown will be put on but even so,
my sayang, your survival rate is low
Without the cracks, it'd be 90% success rate
Now, just a mere 50%, the rest is up to fate
I can't take it if an implant is eventually still required
I can't bear it, to see my sayang kena extracted
So, sayang, stand strong, beneath the crown
Don't add to my face another frown
Life has been frustrating enough
So, cells, organs, bones, teeth, you must be tough
Stay healthy to keep the docs and dentists away
Forking out the fees, sigh! is no child's play
Consultation & x-ray is $108 today
Pulpectomy tomorrow another $150 to pay
That's still not counting the root canal that's gonna be in $.??.K
Looks like my pockets too, will soon decay !
Lamenting while waiting in pain for 2hrs for pulpectomy, the pain relief treatment. Sadly after 2 hrs, i still don't get a slot. As i've got to get back to the dungeon, i''ve no choice but to go back for the pulpectomy tomorrow. I was told the earliest date available for the root canal treatment is one and a half months later and if i were a subsidised patient, i might even have to wait for a year or so!!! Looking at the number of people waiting this morning to see the dentists at the national dental center,(many are youths), i think an intensive education on oral health is urgently required in our school curriculum
节目名称: 让爱川流不息
几个即相似又带不同气氛的大型筹款节目, 异曲同工,筹到巨额款项。
今天是中国的儿童节, 祝所有灾区里活过来的孩子们往后坚强、健康、快乐地走完他们的人生!
from stress, from work,
from irritating sounds and faces that irk
from things that might provoke anger
from issues that might raise my temper ...
Yea, thank God for past 11days break,
even though i was running around for my new home's sake.
No complaints, busy, indeed i was,
it's all for a worthwhile cause .
What's worth doing is worth doing well
What's not, can go to hell.
The short vacation has, alas, come to a close
It's time to return to the dungeon, to where i dread most........
据说麻雀若被关在笼子里,不出几天将会自尽身亡 。再大的笼子也装不下小小麻雀向往自由不甘被困的心。。。我。。连只麻雀亦不如。